A great reference for the history of your International truck, you can check this page for the colours you’ll want to use for your restoration project.
International Commercial Car Colors 1935-1936-1937 models
1937 1938 color chart
1939 color chart
1939-1941 color chart
1937-1938 color chart
1942 color chart
1953 Color Chart
1953 Color Chart
1956 Color Chart
1956 Color Chart two tone combination
1957-1958 Colors
1957-1958 Color Chart
1957-1958 Color Chart two tone combination
1957 1958 two tone combination
1958 colors
1958 color and two tone matches
1959 1960 color chart
1959 1963 International colors
1959 1960 B-line
1961 basic colors and recommended two tone combinations